I have thought of professional genealogists as an island surrounded by amateurs, but it had not occurred to me that the same might be said of historic preservationists until I read this article by
Kate Wagner: "The Archivists of Extinction," 19 October 2018, in The Baffler:
"What if I told you one of the largest ever undertakings in American
historic preservation was happening not through the graces of any large
institution, but through the autonomous participation of thousands, if
not hundreds of thousands, of individuals across the country, who are
collectively stitching together their own narrative of architectural
history? The 'Kmart' group on the photo-sharing website Flickr has amassed a
staggering twenty-five thousand photos of its subject, a struggling
American discount store. . . .
"This is the ice-cold reality of the retail death spiral. It’s why people
feel the need to collect motel postcards, share old photos of their
hometowns, and document the finale of Kmart. The end time is always
lurking; the only thing you can do is take pictures and post stories
before it happens. . . ."
Much more here.
Her blog is McMansion Hell.
Thursday, January 31, 2019
Life in front of the bulldozer
Posted by
Harold Henderson
2:00 PM
Labels: historic preservation, images, Kate Wagner, Kmart, McMansion Hell, microhistory, The Baffler
Monday, January 28, 2019
The Shocks of War
Three economists -- Dora Costa, Noelle Yetter, and Heather DeSomer -- have investigated "when and how health shocks reverberate across the life cycle and down to descendants." They examined "the impact of war wounds on the socioeconomic status and older age mortality of US Civil War (1861-5) veterans and of their adult children." Among other things they found that "fathers' severe wartime wounds affected daughters', but not sons', socioeconomic status."
Even though every family is different, knowing the general trends can help us understand those trying to find their way through the postwar "Gilded Age." And, in another frame, it can remind us that no decision to go to war should ever be taken lightly.
"The Impact of a Wartime Health Shock on the Postwar Socioeconomic Status and Mortality of Union Army Veterans and their Children," National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper 25480, Jan. 2019 (http://www.nber.org/papers/w25480)
Posted by
Harold Henderson
5:51 AM
Labels: Civil War, Dora Costa, economic history, Gilded Age, Heather DeSomer, Noelle Yetter, socioeconomic status, war wounds